Several people have asked me to post my script for automatically cycling through each database in an instance, restoring a virtual hyperbac database, performing consistency checks, and then e-mailing out the results, in reference to my previous post.
I am sorry it took me so long to get this put together, but pulling it out of my environment was the tough part. I have a lot of infrastructure built up around this, so I had to extract the parts and try to cull it into one consistent script. I have not tested this script very thoroughly, so please use with caution. Make sure it works in your environment. Keep in mind that you must have hyperbac already installed and setup to make proper user of this script.
Thank you for your patience:
SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Constants DECLARE @BACKUP_DAYS_THRESHOLD INT = 8, @NEW_BACKUP_FILE_LOCATION VARCHAR(256) = 'C:\Temp\BackupFileCopies\', @DATAFILE_RESTORATION_LOCATION VARCHAR(256) = 'C:\Temp\DataFileRestores\', @DB_MAIL_PROFILENAME SYSNAME = 'Database Administrators', @EMAIL_RECIPIENTS VARCHAR(1000) = '' -- Retrieve List of Last Full Backups and their Backup Files IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#lastBackupsTaken') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [#lastBackupsTaken] CREATE TABLE [#lastBackupsTaken] ( [serverName] VARCHAR(256), [databaseName] VARCHAR(256), [physicalFileSpec] VARCHAR(256), [backupFinishDate] DATETIME ) INSERT INTO [#lastBackupsTaken] ( [serverName], [databaseName], [physicalFileSpec], [backupFinishDate] ) SELECT @@SERVERNAME, [BackupSets].[database_name], [MediaFamily].[physical_device_name], [BackupSets].[backup_finish_date] FROM [msdb].[dbo].[backupset] AS BackupSets INNER JOIN ( SELECT [database_name], MAX([backup_start_date]) AS MaxBackup_Start_Date FROM [msdb].[dbo].[backupset] WHERE [type] = 'D' AND [backup_finish_date] IS NOT NULL GROUP BY [database_name] ) AS Constrained ON [BackupSets].[database_name] = [Constrained].[database_name] AND [BackupSets].[backup_start_date] = [Constrained].[MaxBackup_Start_Date] AND [BackupSets].[type] = 'D' INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[backupmediafamily] AS MediaFamily ON [BackupSets].[media_set_id] = [MediaFamily].[media_set_id] -- Retrieve List of the FileGroups in the Databases as of the Last Full Backups IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#logicalFilesForlastBackupsTaken') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [#logicalFilesForlastBackupsTaken] CREATE TABLE [#logicalFilesForlastBackupsTaken] ( [serverName] VARCHAR(256), [databaseName] VARCHAR(256), [logicalName] VARCHAR(256) ) INSERT INTO [#logicalFilesForlastBackupsTaken] SELECT @@SERVERNAME, [BackupSets].[database_name], [LogicalFiles].[logical_name] FROM [msdb].[dbo].[backupset] AS BackupSets INNER JOIN ( SELECT [database_name], MAX([backup_start_date]) AS MaxBackup_Start_Date FROM [msdb].[dbo].[backupset] WHERE [type] = 'D' AND [backup_finish_date] IS NOT NULL GROUP BY [database_name] ) AS Constrained ON [BackupSets].[database_name] = [Constrained].[database_name] AND [BackupSets].[backup_start_date] = [Constrained].[MaxBackup_Start_Date] INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[backupfile] AS LogicalFiles ON [BackupSets].[backup_set_id] = [LogicalFiles].[backup_set_id] AND [LogicalFiles].[is_present] = 1 -- Create a list of all databases we are going to restore and Consistency Check (DBCC CHECKDB) IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#databasesToCheck') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [#databasesToCheck] CREATE TABLE [#databasesToCheck] ( [databaseName] VARCHAR(256), [executionOrder] INT IDENTITY(1,1) ) INSERT INTO [#databasesToCheck] ( [databaseName] ) SELECT [databaseName] FROM [#lastBackupsTaken] WHERE [databaseName] NOT IN ( 'master', 'tempdb' ) GROUP BY [databaseName] -- For each database in the list, copy the backup files, run a Red-Gate Hyperbac Virtual Restore, Run Consistency Check, Record the results, and then drop the database DECLARE @currentDBIdentifier INT, @maxDBIdentifier INT, @currentDBName VARCHAR(256), @lastBackupTime DATETIME, @statusMessage VARCHAR(MAX) = '', @statusCode INT = 0, @errorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) = '', @messageSubject VARCHAR(256), @sql VARCHAR(MAX) = '', @backupCopyResults VARCHAR(MAX) = '', @currentBackupFileIdentifier INT, @maxBackupFileIdentifier INT, @commandLine VARCHAR(2000), @databaseWasRestored BIT = 0 IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#backupFilesToHandle') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [#backupFilesToHandle] CREATE TABLE [#backupFilesToHandle] ( [oldFileSpec] VARCHAR(256), [newFileSpec] VARCHAR(256), [executionOrder] INT IDENTITY(1,1) ) IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#commandLineResults') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [#commandLineResults] CREATE TABLE [#commandLineResults] ( [outputLine] NVARCHAR(255) ) IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#checkDBResults') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [#checkDBResults] CREATE TABLE [#checkDBResults] ( [ServerName] [varchar](100) NULL, [DatabaseName] [varchar](256) NULL, [Error] [varchar](256) NULL, [Level] [varchar](256) NULL, [State] [varchar](256) NULL, [MessageText] [varchar](7000) NULL, [RepairLevel] [varchar](256) NULL, [Status] [varchar](256) NULL, [DbId] [varchar](256) NULL, [Id] [varchar](256) NULL, [IndId] [varchar](256) NULL, [PartitionId] [varchar](256) NULL, [AllocUnitId] [varchar](256) NULL, [File] [varchar](256) NULL, [Page] [varchar](256) NULL, [Slot] [varchar](256) NULL, [RefFile] [varchar](256) NULL, [RefPage] [varchar](256) NULL, [RefSlot] [varchar](256) NULL, [Allocation] [varchar](256) NULL, [insert_date] [datetime] NULL ) -- Begin Database Loop SELECT @currentDBIdentifier = MIN([executionOrder]), @maxDBIdentifier = MAX([executionOrder]) FROM [#databasesToCheck] WHILE (@currentDBIdentifier < @maxDBIdentifier) BEGIN SELECT @currentDBName = [databaseName] FROM [#databasesToCheck] WHERE [executionOrder] = @currentDBIdentifier -- Let's make sure the last database backup isn't too old (in case some third-party script clears off old database backups) SELECT @lastBackupTime = MAX([backupFinishDate]) FROM [#lastBackupsTaken] WHERE [databaseName] = @currentDBName IF (DATEDIFF(DAY,@lastBackupTime,GETDATE()) > @BACKUP_DAYS_THRESHOLD) BEGIN -- The oldest backup for this database was taken too long ago SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + 'DBCC FOR ' + @currentDBName + ' was not properly performed (Last Backup Too Old) ' SET @statusCode = @statusCode + 1 END ELSE BEGIN -- Prepare the Backup Files TRUNCATE TABLE [#backupFilesToHandle] INSERT INTO [#backupFilesToHandle] ( [oldFileSpec], [newFileSpec] ) SELECT [physicalFileSpec], @NEW_BACKUP_FILE_LOCATION + SUBSTRING([physicalFileSpec],((LEN([physicalFileSpec]))-(CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE([physicalFileSpec])))+2),(CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE([physicalFileSpec])))-1) FROM [#lastBackupsTaken] WHERE [databaseName] = @currentDBName -- Start the restore script and copy the backup files SET @sql = 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @currentDBName + '_Virtual] FROM ' -- Begin Backup File Loop SELECT @currentBackupFileIdentifier = MIN([executionOrder]), @maxBackupFileIdentifier = MAX([executionOrder]) FROM [#backupFilesToHandle] WHILE (@currentBackupFileIdentifier <= @maxBackupFileIdentifier) BEGIN -- Create Command Line syntax for file copy SELECT @commandLine = 'copy "' + [oldFileSpec] + '" "' + [newFileSpec] + '" /Y' FROM [#backupFilesToHandle] WHERE [executionOrder] = @currentBackupFileIdentifier -- Truncate the Command Line Results Table TRUNCATE TABLE [#commandLineResults] INSERT INTO [#commandLineResults] EXEC [master].[dbo].[xp_cmdshell] @commandLine -- Record Copy Results SET @backupCopyResults = @backupCopyResults + ' For command issued=' + @commandLine + ' ' SELECT @bakCopyResults = @bakCopyResults + ' ' + ISNULL([outputLine],'NULL') FROM [#commandLineResults] -- Add this file to the restore script SELECT @sql = @sql + 'DISK=N''' + [newFileSpec] + ''',' FROM [#backupFilesToHandle] WHERE [executionOrder] = @currentBackupFileIdentifier SET @currentBackupFileIdentifier = @currentBackupFileIdentifier + 1 END -- Loop to next Backup File -- Now that all backup files have been moved and we have added their new locations to the restore script, -- we now need to remove the trailing comma SET @sql = LEFT(@sql,LEN(@sql)-1) + ' WITH ' -- Now we need to add the database files to the restore script SELECT @sql = @sql + 'MOVE N''' + [logicalName] + ''' TO N''' + @DATAFILE_RESTORATION_LOCATION + LEFT(@currentDBName,35) + '_Virtual_' + LEFT([logicalName],35) +'.vmdf'',' FROM [#logicalFilesForlastBackupsTaken] WHERE [databaseName] = @currentDBName -- Remove the trailing comma SET @sql = @sql + 'NORECOVERY, STATS=1, REPLACE ' -- Now, we have the files moved and the restoration script created. Next thing to do is to restore the database (using hyperbac) SET @databaseWasRestored = 0 BEGIN TRY -- Restore the database EXEC(@sql) -- Recover the database SET @sql = 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @currentDBName + '_Virtual] WITH RECOVERY, RESTRICTED_USER' EXEC(@sql) -- Put the virtual DB in Simple Recovery Model, since we do not need anything higher than that for the DBCC CHECKDB SET @sql = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @currentDBName + '_Virtual] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE WITH NO_WAIT' EXEC(@sql) SET @databaseWasRestored = 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @errorMessage = @errorMessage + @currentDBName + ' ' + @backupCopyResults + ' ' + 'Error Number: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,ERROR_NUMBER()) + ', Error Message: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ' ' SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + 'DBCC FOR ' + @currentDBName + ' was not restored properly (error message below). ' SET @statusCode = @statusCode + 1 END CATCH -- Only continue if the database was properly restored IF (@databaseWasRestored = 1) BEGIN -- Run DBCC CHECKDB and Save the results to a table INSERT INTO [#checkDBResults] ( [Error], [Level], [State], [MessageText], [RepairLevel], [Status], [DbId], [Id], [IndId], [PartitionId], [AllocUnitId], [File], [Page], [Slot], [RefFile], [RefPage], [RefSlot], [Allocation] ) EXEC('DBCC CHECKDB(''' + @currentDBName + '_Virtual'') WITH TABLERESULTS') -- Fill in missing information UPDATE [#checkDBResults] SET [ServerName] = @@SERVERNAME, [DatabaseName] = @currentDBName WHERE [ServerName] IS NULL -- Drop the restored database EXEC('DROP DATABASE ['+ @currentDBName + '_Virtual]') -- analyze all DBCC checkdb results, e-mail out when an error is encountered IF EXISTS ( SELECT [ServerName] FROM [#checkDBResults] WHERE [ServerName] = @@SERVERNAME AND [DatabaseName] = @currentDBName AND [MessageText] LIKE 'CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors in database %' ) BEGIN SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + 'DBCC FOR ' + @currentDBName + ' Passed. ' END -- Condition: A passing entry for this DB in DBCC Results ELSE IF EXISTS ( SELECT [ServerName] FROM [#checkDBResults] WHERE [ServerName] = @@SERVERNAME AND [DatabaseName] = @currentDBName ) BEGIN SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + 'DBCC FOR ' + @currentDBName + ' Failed! (Check the [#checkDBResults] table) ' SET @statusCode = @statusCode + 1 END -- Condition: No passing entry for this DB in DBCC Results ELSE BEGIN SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + 'DBCC FOR ' + @currentDBName + ' was not properly performed (Check Configuration) ' SET @statusCode = @statusCode + 1 END -- Condition: No entry whatsoever for this DB in DBCC Results END -- End of "Database was properly restored" SET @currentDBIdentifier = @currentDBIdentifier + 1 END -- End of "Check if last backup is too old" END -- Loop to next Database SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + ' DBCC CheckDB Process has completed for ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' at ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),120) + ' ' IF @statusCode = 0 BEGIN SET @messageSubject = 'SUCCESS - DBCC CheckDB for ' + @@SERVERNAME END -- Condition: There were no errors or failures in the consistency checking of this instance ELSE BEGIN SET @messageSubject = 'FAILURE - DBCC CheckDB for ' + @@SERVERNAME SET @statusMessage = @statusMessage + @errorMessage END -- Condition: At least one consistency check either failed or resulted in an error EXEC [msdb].[dbo].[sp_send_dbmail] @profile_name = @DB_MAIL_PROFILENAME, @recipients = @EMAIL_RECIPIENTS, @body = @statusMessage, @subject = @messageSubject, @body_format = 'HTML'; |
What is the purpose of [#checkDBResults].[insert_date]? It fails because you have it as NOT NULL and then never insert anything into it. Other than that everything worked great.
Thanks, I may have missed that when I was cleaning it up for publishing it to the site. I do insert a value into that table within my environment. I must have just missed it when I was removing the artifacts from my environment. I will take a deeper look when I get home. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
It seems to work pretty good after a couple of days. I am curious why you do not delete the backup copies?
Ed, this is a great question. Within my environment, I maintain a table with files that need to be cleaned-up. When a restore and consistency check completes, I add the associated backup files to that table, after dropping the virtual database, of course. I then have a process that cleans up those files in the background.
I do it this way for two reasons. 1, if a deletion of a file fails and needs to be retried, I want to handle that all in one place, rather than implement that logic in multiple different scripts throughout my environment. 2, if a restore or consistency check fails, I want to already have the exact copy of the backups that were used right there on disk. This aides in my troubleshooting.
In the script I published online, I left out this logic for simplicity. I can also imagine that some people may prefer that I not delete those files automatically, due to some perceived risk.
I hope that makes sense. If you, or someone else, would like some help with the deletion logic, I would be happy to discuss and help as best as I can.
I knew there had to be a good reason, I just added the logic to my copy. We had such a hard time trying to get this to work (before your script) with the Virtual Restore after scripting it to work with the Backup Pro. I just kept screwing it up for some reason. Thanks for sharing it.
I am so glad to hear that it is helping you out. Thank you for following up. It can be a real pain to keep all of the pieces straight, but it sure is a great peace of mind when you know that your backups are working and that you are keeping an eye on corruption.